Monday, November 22, 2010

Self-serving vs. Other-serving

Just read a short article with very little information in it, but enough to stir a thought in me about self-serving vs. other-serving congregations. In the article it was reported that a Southern Baptist congregation in Kentucky has decided to cut staff and program expenditures in order to be able to send more missionaries overseas. I want to know more about this congregation and its decision, but it stirred my imagination!

What if all Western congregations became convicted of their self-serving ways? What if all Western congregations committed themselves to focusing their resources on serving others in the sharing of the gospel and the relieving of human suffering? What if all Western congregations answered the call, the great call of the commission to go into all the world, make disciples, baptize (immerse) them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What if all Western congregations took to heart the call, the great call and commission to teach the nations to observe the commandments of Jesus, the Anointed?

If, one by one the congregations who claim to be Christ-followers were to give up their self-serving ways and become fully other-serving...I'm guessing it would change the world and most of all be pleasing to our God and Father, the Son our Lord, and the Holy Spirit who breathes life into us.

Lord, may we all be willing to make the change from self-serving to other-serving,Great Commission-fullfilling congregations. Amen.

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