With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray has been a precious resource to me for 10 years or more. It is a classic. I discovered it while in Mission, Texas working in a local congregation which had people who wanted to go deeper with the Lord in prayer...I was one of those people. I opened the book again this morning and intend to read it through again. I just read through the first chapter aloud and slowed down my reading so I could savor the many morsels ready for tasting. Here is a quote from the PREFACE, The place and power of prayer in the Christian life is too little understood. As long as we view prayer simply as the means of maintaining our own Christian lives, we will not fully understand what it is really supposed to be. But when we learn to regard it as the highest part of the work entrusted to us--the root and strength of all other work--we will see that there is nothing we need to study and practice more than the art of praying. (p.7)
John 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing."
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Redeeming Grace update
The Redeeming Grace 40-Day Devotional-Journal series I am writing continues to be a joy and honor for me. I am not only writing, rewriting, polishing, getting the proof to the print shop, binding, and mailing out/handing out the books...I am also calling myself "Inspector 12" since I look them over to catch mistakes. It is an interesting process. I just had another printing of the first three books in the series. There are little changes I have made in them from the other printings. Hopefully, the changes are making the books better and better. I am, also, using the books myself in my devotional time. I finished Volume 1 and am in Volume 2 now. I find the discipline just as challenging now as I did when I wrote them. I am excited about the next 3 books in the series. Volumes 4 (Psalm 119), 5 (Proverbs for Teens), and 6 (Jesus' life from the Gospels) will come out in September. Actually Volume 5 is done and in limited distribution now. My prayer for those who are reading the scriptures and going through the books is they will be drawn closer to the Lord and enjoy sweet fellowship with Him
Reunions at Worship
The past two weeks I have been on the road visiting friends. The first Saturday out I worshiped with a group who will be leading a spiritual renewal retreat this fall. On the first Sunday out I returned to the two congregations I served at Garwood and Eagle Lake, TX. It was a blessing to worship together with them again. I was even invited to help serve communion at Eagle Lake...that touched my heart greatly. On one Monday I spent time with a group who meets in homes for worship. They have a sweet fellowship in the Lord that strengthens me whenever I am with them. The second Sunday I was in deep south Texas and surprised the congregation in Santa Rosa where I had been appointed when I began preaching in 2001. It had been almost 9 years since I had seen them. What a joy to see my friends there and worship with them again. The second Monday I was with two of my dearest friends...my accountability sisters. I have been reminded on this little vacation the joy of worship with friends. What a glorious God we have who has sought out people who will worship Him in spirit and truth! It is an honor to worship God--Father, Son, Holy Spirit--with such dear friends.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Devotional Entry from Redeeming Grace Volume 1
“What Do You Want Me to do for You?”
Day 37
Read Mark 10:46-52
Mark 10:51 And answering him, Jesus said, “What do you want Me to do for you?” and the blind man said to Him, “Rabboni, I want to regain my sight.”
Jesus invited this man to tell Him what he wanted. What did the man do? He admitted he was blind. He said he wanted to regain His sight. Jesus affirmed the man’s faith and indeed the man could see again (v.52).
Sometimes we don’t want to admit that we need or want anything. We won’t admit that we need or want to feel again. We won’t admit that we need or want to restore a relationship. We won’t admit we have pain or sickness. We won’t tell Jesus we have a need. I know we sometimes get used to our situations and don’t think to tell Jesus our needs. Maybe we have become adjusted to our situation and to have it changed would be outside our comfort zone. More than once I’ve had a person tell me, she or he never prays for their own needs. I always think of this story in the Bible when I hear that.
The man had heard that Jesus was going by and he called out to Him for mercy. Jesus stopped and had the blind man brought to Him. Jesus invited this man to tell him what he wanted. He undoubtedly knew the man was blind. The man apparently had been able to see before, because he asked that he be able to regain his sight. Still Jesus asked him what he wanted. Jesus took time with this man. He asked him what he wanted Him to do for him.
Do you suppose Jesus has the same question for you? Have you ever let Jesus ask you what you want Him to do for you? You might have to admit that you need something, but that is part of the process to restoration. Listen for Jesus’ question, then tell him what you want Him to restore for you. Have faith in Jesus as this man did.
Thank you for asking. Help me have the courage to admit to you what I need or want restored. You have the ability to bring back what I have lost. I have faith in you. Amen.
Journal Questions
1) Has Jesus asked you what you want Him to do for you? Have you been honest with Him?
2) What do you need or want restored? Go ahead, tell Jesus.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Redeeming Grace Series Update
The devotional-journal series I have been writing is being a blessing to me. It is my prayer those who are using the books are being blessed as well. Volumes 1,2, and 3 are in circulation. They can be ordered through my FB page or email. I can send them as spiral bound books or as an email attachment. Volumes 4 and 6 are in rough draft form and will be ready for distribution in September. Volume 4 is from Psalm 119 and Volume 6 is on Jesus' life in the Gospels. You might wonder where Volume 5 comes in...well, I have a Volume 5. It is a 30-Day Devotional-Journal for teens from Proverbs. It is out in limited distribution at this time. The feedback I have received from the devotional-journals is that they are thought provoking. When I get more feedback I will share it.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Bush Bunny Brenda's Blog
Earlier I mentioned Orphans Unlimited, Inc. a ministry in northern Mozambique. I invite you to go to the latest blog entry and rejoice in the miracle of healing and the salvations reported at a church start yesterday. And, I just love the fact the new congregation met under a mango tree. God is good!
Earlier I mentioned Orphans Unlimited, Inc. a ministry in northern Mozambique. I invite you to go to the latest blog entry and rejoice in the miracle of healing and the salvations reported at a church start yesterday. And, I just love the fact the new congregation met under a mango tree. God is good!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Orphans Unlimited, Inc.
A mission to widows and orphans in Northern Mozambique, Orphans Unlimited is a wonder to behold. A ministry that had small beginnings is now a large, well-oiled work that feeds and clothes orphans in a proven model. http://www.orphansunlimited.org/ The website and blog for the ministry is teeming with information. Our daughter Sara served at the mission for three months in 2008 and I was a visitor there at the end of her stay. I have served on the board of OU since that time.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Local Ministries Serving in Jesus Name
Serving others is something Jesus did with humility. It is something he told his disciples to do as well. (e.g. John 13:1-20). Serving locally in our community is a place to start. A couple of local ministries in communities I am familiar with are the SonShine Center in Madisonville, Texas and the Lighthouse in Eagle Lake, Texas. The SonShine Center is a place where donated clothing, furniture, and household items are resold and food is distributed. The Lighthouse is an after school ministry with at risk kids. Both ministries are for the most part run by volunteers. These volunteers are being the hands and feet of Jesus in their communities.
Both ministries started with a vision and a call from the Lord. They started small. The Lord has blessed both ministries.
Do you have a vision and call from the Lord for a local ministry start up? Or are you already helping in a local ministry?
Both ministries started with a vision and a call from the Lord. They started small. The Lord has blessed both ministries.
Do you have a vision and call from the Lord for a local ministry start up? Or are you already helping in a local ministry?
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Redeeming Grace 40-Day Devotional-Journal Volume 1
Volume 1 is a collection of devotionals on various topics in scritpure. A few of the topics are as follows: Spiritual Discernment, Encouragement, Holy Spirit, Worldliness, and others. I use the Thompson Chain Reference Bible with the New Ameican Standard Bible translation. Topic titles are from the Thompson Chain. I do not consult commentaries or other sources. If and when I do, I will acknowledge that. The devotional-journals are the scriptures and my reflections on them. The journal component is for you to do your own refection and writing on the scriptures. The translation of the Bible you use might be different, but that is another way for you to gain understanding of the scriptures.
Always ask the Holy Spirit to be your guide into the scriptures.
By the way, the cover photo is one I took at the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem in 2007.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Redeeming Grace Devotional-Journals
My action of late has been to begin the writing of a series of Devotional-Journals. The series is entitled Redeeming Grace. Each volume of the series goes for 40 Days. There are three volumes completed and ready to distribute. Volume One is random topics from scripture. Volume Two is from Ephesians. Volume Three is scripture verses and passages that have been especially meaningful to me. I, also, have a volume for youth from Proverbs. It is going to be tested by S.A.L.T. (Students as living testimones) in Garwood, Texas before I have it printed. Each devotional-journal also has lessons I have written for a small discussion group. I appreciate all the folks who have ordered so far and I invite others to let me know if you would like to order.
New look...New Focus
The blog has a new look. The blog has a new focus. When I started blogging I called it Thoughts on Discipleship. Now it is We Are the Branches. Discipleship means a lot of things but it has one source. We disciples are the branches of the One True Vine Jesus Christ. "...apart from Me you can do nothing," Jesus told his followers. The new focus of the blog revolves around the actions of worship, study, and serving. There will be plenty of thoughts still, but there will also be reports of action. Mine and others as we live the life of abiding in Jesus.
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